A Fight in the Night
Two days before Owl had
spoken to Ned,
In the Red Lion pub, Gnu
– the hothead –
Was sat on his own in the
corner of the bar,
Proclaiming that his dog
was an absolute star.
The king of manure was a
rude sort of fellow –
His customers would never
describe him as mellow.
He was also a boaster, a
braggart and a cad,
He was obnoxious and
surly and really quite bad.
Now Gnu thought his dog
was a ferocious creature,
And he knew this was so
because he’d been its teacher.
It was taught how to
snarl and to growl and to bite,
But most of all Gnu had
taught it to fight.
“My dog is a fighter!”
Gnu loudly declared,
“And he’s never backed
down or even been scared.
He’s the best dog in the
world!” he proudly announced,
“He evil and nasty and
cannot be trounced!”
Giraffe heaved a sigh as
the dreadful Gnu prattled
About how his fierce dog
could never be rattled,
So he stood up and said,
“Your dog sounds so course,
But I’ve got one at home
that can easily beat yours.”
“What rubbish! What rot!”
Gnu said with a scowl,
“There’s not a dog in the
world that can make my beast cowl.
And though I’ve never
seen yours, you long-necked twit,
If you bring it round
here my dog will devour it!”
“You’re on,” said
Giraffe, “you’ve just made a bet!
I suggest that you find a
reliable vet.
My dog’s like no other,”
he said with a glare,
“It’s a long-nosed,
long-tailed, short-legged terrier.”
“A what?” said Gnu. “I’ve
never heard of such a beast –
But no matter, it’ll give
mine a well-deserved feast.”
“Don’t be so sure,”
Giraffe said with intent,
“Mine was bred on an
exotic continent.”
“Well, I called my dog
Killer,” said Gnu, and he laughed
Straight into the face of
Mr Giraffe.
“It’s a masculine name –
not like your dogs’, I fancy.”
“That’s true,” said
Giraffe, “because I call mine Nancy.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow,”
said Gnu turning blue,
“And make sure you bring
that whatever with you.
We’ll meet here tomorrow
– same time and same place
“And I’ll take great
pleasure wiping that smile from your face.”
The next night at eight
the weather was clear,
And Mr Gnu’s dog was
something to fear.
It was snarling and
snapping and ready to bite
The other dog it had had
been brought here to fight.
But Giraffe’s dog was
nowhere to found.
“So, where is this beast
of yours?” Mr Gnu frowned.
“I can’t bring her
inside,” Mr Giraffe said,
“If I did that everyone
here would be dead.”
“She’s far too ferocious
and quite unpredictable,
She once even ate a
full-sized snooker table.
I must think of the
safety of those here at the bar,
So she’s locked in my van
– she wouldn’t fit in my car.”
“Let’s waste no more time
and get this thing done,”
Said Gnu, “I won’t be
happy until my dog has won.”
Mr Giraffe smiled and
stood up from his chair
And walked to the door
without even a care.
Outside the pub it was
sombre and dark –
The van was stood in the
corner of the gloomy car park.
“Let’s do it!” said Gnu.
“Release your dog from that vehicle.”
(Which in the gloom of
the car park was the colour of treacle).
“I can’t let her loose! I
can’t set her free!”
Said Giraffe. “She’s far
too ferocious, you see.
Put Killer in the van and
we’ll see who’s the winner,
But I warn you – Nancy’s
not had her dinner.”
Gnu thought about this
and then said, “It’s a deal,
But it’s your dog that’s
going to end up as a meal.”
“Right then,” said
Giraffe, opening the door just a crack,
“Be quick! Throw that dog
of yours into the back!”
The door slammed shut as
Killer went in
And what followed next
was an almighty din.
Barking and growling and
a deafening riot
Was followed by a CRUNCH!
Then everything went quiet.
Giraffe opened the door
of the van just a bit
So the winner of the
fight could make its exit.
“It’s Killer,” cried Gnu.
“That means your dog’s dead!”
But then he noticed that
Killer was missing his head.
“Oh no!” cried Gnu,
feeling terribly deflated.
“Oh yes!” said Giraffe.
“Your dog is decimated!”
With a choking cry Gnu
looked down at Killer’s lead
And sobbed, “Your dog –
what was the breed?”
“Nancy is a long-nosed,
long-tailed, short-legged terrier,”
Said Giraffe, his voice
sounding merrier and merrier.
“She’s from Africa, from
somewhere near the Nile,
But the natives call her
– I think – a crocodile!”
Next week: A Rhino on the Lino
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