A Horse, of Course
The Right Honourable Owl
had a lovely deportment –
In fact he was once a
Member of Parliament,
But because he wouldn’t
take part in any dirty tricks
He was forced to resign
from the world of politics.
Now, a year into his
compulsory retirement, he thought
He would spend some time
with his friends at The Court.
He hopped into his car
and left the smoke of the city,
Singing as he drove a
chart-topping ditty.
His car was a
highly-polished and elegant machine –
It had one previous owner
– a mouse called Maureen.
Buzz-Ard and Tur-Tel
would be impressed, he thought,
When his car pulled into
the drive of The Court.
But when he was deep in
the country he heard a strange hissing,
Which was odd because the
car had just had its annual servicing.
Another mile down the
road and the car let out a shudder,
And it came to a halt
with an almighty judder.
Owl stepped out of the
car in a bit of a tatter
And lifted the bonnet to
see what was the matter.
Steam rose from the
engine and into his face,
As he stood looking
forlorn in this isolated place.
He might have seen the
tangles of wire and cable
If he hadn’t left his
glasses at home on the table.
He was very long-sighted,
and that was a fact –
A clear view of the
engine was all that he lacked.
He stared blankly at the
pipes and the wires and the pump,
Until a loud voice behind
him made him suddenly jump.
“Your problem,” said the
voice, “is your radiator cap’s missing –
And that is what’s
causing that horrible hissing.”
Owl fluttered his
feathers and hooted in fright,
But when he looked around
there was no-one in sight.
When his heart calmed
down he resumed his inspection,
But the voice came again
– this time with inflection.
“I’ve told you your problem – your radiator
cap’s missing –
And it’s that that was
causing the horrible hissing.
Your engine may look to
you like the landscape of Mars,
But trust me – I know a
lot about cars.”
Owl looked round again in
a state of vexation
To see who was imparting
this technical information.
He was in the middle of
nowhere, on a road lined with gorse,
And the only thing in
sight was a massive white horse.
Owl thought for a moment
and then decided to speak,
“Err – is it you who is
talking?” he asked with a squeak.
“Of course it’s me,” said
the horse with a nod of its head,
“I’m very pleased to meet
you – my name is Ned.”
“But horses can’t talk,”
said Owl, “it’s an impossibility.”
“Well, we can,” said Ned,
“and we do it with such civility.
We are educated and
clever and often have conversations
About history and
psychology and other such diversions.
But my Uncle Dobbin was a
very fine mechanic
And he taught me how to
fix cars – so there’s no need to panic.
Now,” continued the
horse, “as I told you before,
Your radiator cap’s off
and it’s there on the floor.
Replace all your water
and put the cap back on tight
And when you start up
your engine it will sound just about right.”
“But I’ve got no water,”
Owl said with alarm.
“Don’t worry about that,”
replied Ned with great charm.
“I’m famed in these parts
for the water I retain,
So step away from your
vehicle while I take careful aim.”
Ned filled up the
radiator from at least fifteen metres
And when he had finished
it had taken twenty litres.
Owl was impressed and
said, “Your aim is so true.”
“My pleasure,” said Ned.
“Besides, I really needed the loo.”
Owl stayed on for a while
and they both had a chat –
They talked about this
and they talked about that.
They talked until the sun
was about to go down,
When Owl suddenly
declared, “I’d better head into town.”
Ned said, “Now that I
know you I feel really delighted,
It’s my birthday on
Saturday and you’re cordially invited.”
Owl jumped into his car
and started the engine,
Then waved goodbye to his
new-found companion.
He drove into town to the
Dog and Duck pub,
Where he ordered a drink
and a plateful of grub.
He took a sip from his
drink and started a conversation
With Ollie the bar-owl
(who was no relation).
“You’ll never guess what
happened to me,” he squealed,
“My car was repaired by a
horse in a field!”
Ollie let out a gasp and
the pub fell into silence.
“It’s true,” said Owl,
“and he gave me good guidance.”
Ollie was speechless –
but after some time
He asked, “What was the
colour of your mechanical equine?”
“He was white,” said Owl.
“Why, is something the matter?
You are worrying me with
your pessimistic chatter.”
“Just one more question,”
the bar-owl said,
“This horse – did he call
himself Ned?”
“Why, yes,” said Owl,
“that’s the name that he gave me –
He topped up my radiator
in order to save me.
It was empty and required
a full twenty litres,
And he filled it from a
distance of at least fifteen metres.”
“You were lucky,” said
Ollie, “because on that stretch of track
There’s another white
horse and his name is Jack.
His methods are archaic
and completely impractical,
And he’s absolutely useless with anything mechanical.”
Everyone sighed and
resumed their conversation
About what they’d been
watching on last night’s television.
They all immediately
forgot about Owl’s adventuring
Because, to be honest, it
was not very interesting.
Owl passed a Beagle who
was smoking at the bar –
He said his goodbyes and
went out to his car.
Outside in the night it
was rainy and dark,
But he found his car
eventually in the gloomy car park.
As he drove past the Red
Lion pub down on the right
A bump in the road gave
him a bit of a fright –
But he knew the car’s
chassis was toughened and hard,
So he carried on driving
to see Tur-Tel and Buzz-Ard.
He was happy he was
visiting his friends at The Court,
Who would be waiting for
him with a bottle of port.
But better than that –
much better by far –
Was meeting a horse who
knew everything about cars.
Next week: A Fight in the Night
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