A long time
ago in a galaxy far, far away I wrote a poem called The Fly
That Wouldn’t Die for a friend of mine’s
nephew and niece. They loved it and demanded it to be read to them again and
again and again. I didn’t come back to it until 2001, when I wrote The Gnu Who
Said Poo for my own children. I changed
the characters in Fly to tie in with Gnu and that gave me the idea of starting a
cycle of nine poems part way through the story and ending it exactly where it
started. It wasn’t a new idea – I’d seen the very same construct in the film Pulp
Fiction – but I thought if that idea was
good enough for Quentin Tarantino then it was good enough for me to steal. I
came back to it again over the last couple of years and tidied it up and now
here it is spread out over nine weeks.
The Gnu Who Said Poo
Mr Gnu had
a business to run,
From his
truck he delivered manure by the ton.
delivered to farms, to gardens and the like
And when
his truck wasn’t working he delivered it by bike.
“His manure
is incredible!” one customer did vent,
“Surely it
must contain some secret ingredient!”
roared Gnu. “It’s all very natural,
organic and perfect for all things pastoral.”
Word of
Gnu’s magnificent by-product
Spread over
bridges and even a viaduct –
From the
gardener who was using it for his rose bed,
To the
farmer who had settled way down in the Med.
appeared on more than one TV station
that Gnu was an overnight sensation.
But as his
wealth and his stature exponentially accrued,
So did his
ego. In short – he became rude.
He was
obnoxious and surly and often pedantic,
But his
customers regarded him as merely eccentric.
He was the
king of manure, untouchable, he thought –
But that
was before his delivery to The Court.
The Court
was the place where a kind of royalty did dwell,
The home of
Mr Buzz-Ard and Mr Tur-Tel.
They were
rich and powerful and had great influence
the land where Gnu sold his unique effluence.
Gnu was
dressed in clothes made of leather,
And he
delivered his manure in all kinds of weather.
Last week
he’d been crushed by a hit-and-run driver –
But that didn’t
stop him – he’d do anything for a fiver.
He pulled
up to the gates of The Court in his truck
That was
loaded to capacity with his fine smelling muck.
A bell on
the gate announced his arrival,
Which was
answered in time by a lizard called Nigel.
“I’ve been
stood at this gate for what seems like a week,”
Said Gnu,
thinking Nigel was a bit of a freak.
He was
wrong, for Nigel was somewhat reserved.
patience,” said the lizard, “and you will be presently served.”
“Now, how
can I help you?” Nigel asked, his eyes moving furtively.
“I’ve a
truck load of manure!” Gnu replied over-assertively.
“I can see
that,” said Nigel, “but for whom is it for?”
“It’s for whomever,” said Gnu, “lives behind that
big door.”
Gnu grunted
and pointed to the big door of The Court.
“Ah,” said
Nigel, “it’s just what I thought.
Mr Buzz-Ard
did indeed make an order
For manure
to spread on his hyacinth border.”
here,” said the lizard, “and I shall go off to tell
Of your
arrival to Masters Buzz-Ard and Tur-Tel.”
Gnu wasn’t
happy at being made to wait longer,
And his
usual dark mood began to grow increasingly stronger.
Time is
Money was a maxim that Gnu was once taught,
And he was
wasting his time waiting outside The Court.
He believed
he was better than everyone else –
the likes of the Buzz-Ards and Tur-Tels.
It was over
an hour before the lizard came back
And Gnu’s
darkening mood had by this time turned black.
“I have
discovered,” said the lizard, “Mr Tur-Tel,
But I’m
afraid he is asleep down by the well.”
“If Tur-Tel
is too tired then speak to Buzz-Ard,”
Gnu said
very curtly to the stately lizard.
Nigel was
hurt by Gnu’s unseemly wrath
And he
turned with a flourish and walked back down the path.
When Nigel
returned another hour had gone by
And Gnu
felt his brain was beginning to fry.
“I have
discovered,” said the lizard, “Mr Buzz-Ard,
But I’m
afraid he’s asleep at the back of the yard.”
“I don’t
care where they are! I don’t care where they’re sleeping!”
Cried Gnu,
whose temper was now really peaking.
“Take a message,
will you, to those idle two,
And tell
them that Mr Gnu is here with the poo!”
me!” said the lizard. “You said poo – not manure!
You’re a
rough-spoken beast with the mouth of a sewer.
My masters
are refined, such a word they’d not utter –
So you can
turn round your truck and go back to the gutter!”
Now Gnu
climbed into his truck, shouting and screaming
Words that
would have embarrassed a cab driver from Ealing.
But as he
drove home he had no idea of the mess
and Tur-Tel would make of his business.
They spread
the word around town that Gnu was offensive,
That his
manure was sub-standard and far too expensive.
business declined because of this chatter
And the
townsfolk stopped listening to his usual patter.
Orders were
cancelled and his business went bust,
His truck
went unused and soon turned to rust.
He stayed
in his house and sank into depression,
he’d been taught a very valuable lesson.
Being rude is not big, it’s not
clever or funny.
It cost Mr
Gnu a whole lot of money.
His manure
was still produced daily – by the ton – lots of it,
But he was
now deeply (and literally) well in the debt of a local farmer.
I know what
you’re thinking – that last line didn’t rhyme –
honestly, I’m working on it – I just need more time.
But if
you’ve any suggestions for a substitute conclusion,
Please keep
them to yourself – or, preferably, lose them!
Next week: The Fly That Wouldn’t Die
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