A comment appeared on one of the
pages I am a member of on Facebook about
the last blog I posted. It read: Confused
as to why this is on here. I thought about replying to the comment but then
I couldn’t find it again, therefore depriving me of responding with a witty and
insightful reply. It was, I suppose, a good thing because the last thing I
would have wanted was to start a ‘Comments War’ or whatever they call it. My
reply would have been too long anyway. Instead, I thought I would turn my
thoughts about Facebook and its
increasing similarity to that most odious of newspapers, the Daily Mail, into my next blog. I’m confused
as to why – but here it is anyway:
For legal reasons (and because I’m
a nice bloke) I have decided not to name the person who made the comment.
I was very sorry that my blog
prompted the person to make the comment ‘confused as to why this is here’. The
answer to his confusion is actually quite simple – I am a member of that page because
I met all the requirements to be a member. I have been posting my blog there
for over three years and I have found that many other members of that page actually
quite like it. The vast majority of them are old friends of mine, with whom I
served with in the Royal Air Force and they laugh openly at some of the things
I write (even when I don’t pay them) and sometimes people who don’t know me also
read it. There is even a person who hates my guts who nevertheless ticked the
‘like’ box on one of my blogs, although he didn’t make a comment because he
still hasn’t got round to speaking to me just yet. Sometimes the posts within
the blog are about the RAF and sometimes they are not – but you have to read
them first to find out (see how clever I am).
I find it strange that no-one ever makes
the comment ‘confused as to why this is on here’ when someone posts one of the
many ‘hilarious’ videos of people falling off things (usually things that are
in motion) that also have nothing to do with the requirements for being a
member of that page (and I also strongly suspect that the people in the videos
who are involved in the ‘hilarious’ accidents are not members either and have
in fact no connection whatsoever to any members of the page in question).
Still, there’s no denying that it is rather funny watching stupid people who
are less fortunate than ourselves having accidents that often lead to prolonged
and painful spells in Casualty (the hospital department, not the TV show –
although I do find that watching Casualty
– a show that had run its course over twenty years ago – can be just as
Also, no-one ever says ‘confused as
to why this is on here’ when anti-Islamic propaganda is downloaded from the internet – usually from the website of
that bastion of truthfulness, the Daily
Mail – and posted onto the various pages on Facebook – if I wanted to read that kind of ill-informed rubbish I
would join the British Nazi (sorry – National)
Party and take out a lifetime subscription to the Mail (or maybe I could skip those two steps and just become a
serial killer instead).
In fact, such is the vitriol meted
out to Muslims on the pages of Facebook
that the site itself is looking more and more like an extension of the Mail every day. Nobody complains about
that, and if someone is brave enough to do so they will be subjected to a
torrent of abuse in the comments that follow by hordes of Neanderthals that
don’t know any better and who stupidly think that all Muslims are potential terrorists.
I have some Muslim friends in the
UK and do you know what? – none of them
are terrorists. None of them want to
turn Britain into a Muslim state and introduce Sharia Law. None of them want to send their children to faith schools. In fact
they send their children to state schools because – guess what? – they want
their children to be acknowledged, as they should be, as British citizens who
have a place in our secular society.
And, let’s face it, if our empire
building ancestors hadn’t decided to invade their countries in the first place,
taking with them packs of loathsome evangelist preachers to convert them forcibly
to Christianity, disgraceful newspapers like the Daily Mail would have nothing to complain about.
Fortunately I was brought up with
no religion. Neither of my parents were religious in any way, shape or form,
although they did send me to Sunday School every week – but I suspect the
reason for that was just to get me out of the house so they could have two
hours of undisturbed sex.
But unlike the minority of morons
who post inflammatory pictures and articles on Facebook, the Mail does
not merely content itself with hating Muslims – it also hates just about
everything else in Britain, with the possible exception of the middle classes
and the Royal Family. It hates immigrants, feminists, homosexuals, single
mothers, asylum seekers, the working class, the upper class, gypsies, atheists,
the NHS, the EU, people on benefits, civil servants, socialists, taxes for
people who can afford them, film stars who they initially praised to high
heaven but who they now think are too famous and deserve a good kicking, and I
suspect that a few of its own reporters, deep down inside, also hate themselves.
In his first inaugural address in 1932,
Franklin D Roosevelt said that “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”
But it’s fear itself that the Mail dishes out to its drooling middle
class readership on daily basis.
The average Mail reader is someone who still lives in the 1950s and still believes
that that period was a halcyon world of plenty; an imaginary golden era of
thatched cottages where only white people lived; where women did as they were
told because if they didn’t their husbands would give them a good thumping
because it was allowed; where the unwashed and untrustworthy socialist working
classes knew their place; where homosexuals got beaten up by gangs of real men (who were secretly homosexuals
themselves) because they were aberrations in the eyes of God; where children
could play outside safely without being kidnapped because paedophiles weren’t
invented until the 1980s; and where crime was less than it is now because they
had the death penalty and that was a good thing – even if the wrong person
was executed.
In other words, the average Mail reader will believe anything that is within its bile-infused
pages. Over the years they have believed that groups of politically correct
left-wing socialist bastards were planning to have the words of Baa Baa Black Sheep changed to Baa Baa Green Sheep. They believed that science
boffins were ‘arrogant gods of
certainty’ and that ‘a country run by them would be hell on earth’ because they
relied ‘solely on empirical facts.’ They believed that dangerous products like mouth
wash and Pringles caused cancer. They
believed that teachers left a boy of five stranded in a tree because of Health
and Safety Regulations. And worse still, they believed the despicable Richard
Littlejohn when he wrote that five women who were killed by a serial killer practically
deserved it because they were prostitutes.
There have been more complaints to
the Press Complaints Commission regarding factual errors, misrepresentations
and downright lies in the Mail than
there have been about any other
newspaper. Here are just five stories the Mail
has made up:
Earlier this year the Mail turned its vitriol onto Labour
Party leader Ed Miliband. In an attempt to discredit him it declared that his late
war-hero father was THE MAN WHO HATED
BRITAIN because he had been a Marxist academic, conveniently ignoring the
fact that it has its own rich history of bigotry, hypocrisy and intolerance. Oddly
it didn’t seem to remember that throughout the 1930s its owner, Viscount
Rothermere, was an outspoken supporter of Oswald Mosely and the British Union
of Fascists, declaring in one headline HURRAH
FOR THE BLACKSHIRTS, and even as late as 1940 it was the only newspaper in Britain that still supported
Adolf Hitler. The Daily Mail, it
seems, loved Britain so much that it was more than willing to
hand it over to Germany and the Nazi Party.
And speaking of Adolf Hitler, the
following article appeared in the Arab
News in January of this year.
Adolf Hitler died at the age of 95 in 1984 in a small town near Brazil’s border
after having escaped his Berlin hideout, says a new book.
The book contains a photo that allegedly
proves this theory challenging the official story that says Hitler died after
losing World War II and shooting himself in a bunker in 1945, reported Al Arabiya News quoting a story in UKs Daily Mail. Simoni Renee Guerreico Dias,
the author of Hitler in Brazil – His Life
and Death, has written on her belief that the Führer fled to Argentina and
then Paraguay before settling in the Brazilian state of Matto Grosso to hunt
for buried treasure with the help of a map given to him by Vatican allies.
Simoni is a Brazilian who comes from Cuiaba.
The author also claims that Hitler ‘may have lived as Adolf Leipzig in the
small town of Nossa Senhora do Livramento, 30 miles from the state capital
She is now planning to use DNA tests using a
relative of Hitler living in Israel, after being given permission to exhume
Adolf Leipzig’s remains from his alleged final resting place in Nossa Senhora
do Livramento.
The very fact that
this story originally appeared in the Mail
should give you some idea of its validity, and that it is about as far from the
truth as the theory that the dinosaurs died out because of cancer related
illnesses caused by habitual smoking.
I’ll leave you with
the words of the brilliant activist/comedian Mark Thomas, whose book The People’s Manifesto was derived from
his live shows where ‘audiences were given forms and asked for their policy
ideas, grand or small, to change the world’.
Policy 20 is ‘THE DAILY
The Daily Mail should be forced to print
this on its masthead, although not because of a desire to stigmatise the paper,
because frankly it has done a bang-up job on that task itself – it is as
Stephen Fry said, ‘a paper that no one of any decency would be seen dead with’.
Nor is it to indicate the Mail’s
right-wing tendencies. (If you don’t think the Mail is right-wing then you’re probably a reader and there is
little anyone can do for you.) Nor is it to serve as a reminder that the paper
has a history of supporting orchestrated indignation. The real reason the Mail should print the words ‘The paper
that supported Hitler’ on the masthead is just to ensure there is at least one
factual accuracy on the front page.
Levy, Geoffrey, The
Man Who Hated Britain (Daily Mail,
27 September 2013)
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, Inauguration of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt 1933 (Joint
Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies, Retrieved by Wikipedia,
22 January 2009)
Rothermere, Lord, Hurrah
for the Blackshirts (Daily Mail,
19 January 1936)
Thomas, Mark, The
People’s Manifesto (Ebury Press 2010) ISBN 978-0-09-193796-6
Unknown, Hitler
Died at 95 in South America (Arab
News, 27 January 2014)
Wilby, Peter, Paul Dacre of the Daily Mail: The Man Who
Hates Liberal Britain (New Statesman,
2 January 2014)
Dear sir, I have read with interest your article about Facebook and the daily mail but I am confused as to why it is on here. Please help me find a subscription for the daily mail.